Legal Information

Information according to § 5 TMG
Christiane Kasack
Coaching + Workshops
Brunhildstr. 24
14513 Teltow

Represented by
Dr. Christiane Kasack

Phone: +49 – (0)176 – 23 23 90 43
E-Mail: ed.kc1722061306asak-1722061306enait1722061306sirhc1722061306@liam1722061306

Tax ID:
DE 306638243

Responsible for the website’s content according to § 55 para 2 RStV:
Dr. Christiane Kasack
Brunhildstr. 24
14513 Teltow

Website: allcodesarebeautiful
Logo: Spread the Nerd
Photography: David Marschalsky

Content note
The contents of these webpages have been created diligently. Yet, we do not make any representations concerning the accuracy or reliability of the materials used on this website. We do not promise that any of the materials in this website are accurate, complete, or current.
Any content and works on these pages created by the provider of this website are subject to German copyright law. Publication on the World Wide Web or other services of the Internet does not imply any declaration of consent for any other use by third parties. Any use not permitted by German copyright law requires the prior written consent of the site operator.
We expressly permit and welcome the citation of our documents as well as the setting of links to our website, as long as it is made clear that these are contents of the website of CK Coaching + Wokshops and that these contents are not brought into connection with contents of third parties, which contradict the interests of the site operator.

We do not collect, process or use personal data when you use the website. Personal data is any data by which you can be personally identified.
When you use the website, the name of your internet service provider, the website from which you are accessing our site and the webpages you are accessing on our site will be communicated to us. As an individual user, you remain anonymous. Your IP-address is not registered.
Responsible for the content of the privacy policy and for data processing: Dr. Christiane Kasack, Brunhildstr. 24, 14513 Teltow.

Work. Suited for me.

Personalized coaching on time- and self-management as well as career counselling – not just for academics.

Dr. Christiane Kasack

Call me at: 0176 23 23 90 43
© 2024 Christiane Kasack