Work is part of life.

Before and alongside my work as a coach and trainer I spent nearly fifteen years in different positions in various research institutions. As a PhD candidate, I worked in a third-party funded research project and I received a scholarship while in a graduate school. As postdoc, I taught and I wrote a grant proposal. Changing tracks from an academic career path to a non-academic one is something I have done myself: Having become a research manager, I coordinated a PhD program, reformed a mentoring program and contributed to setting up career development units for postdocs. I got to know both public and private universities as well as non-university research institutions.

It fills me with great joy when I contribute to eye-opening moments. It is what I loved about academic teaching and what I now love most in my workshops. I am especially happy when people discover how to design life and work in a way that best suits them. In order to make this passion into a career, I completed training to be a business coach and specialized as a career coach. I am certified for the LINC Personality Profiler to support in finding what suits the individual person best. My qualification as 360° Resilience Facilitator (RZT® Basic Level) enables me to provide sustainable support in questions of self-leadership.

Work is part of life. You will be happier when you design your life yourself. I want to contribute to that.

Further Training

Systemic Business Coaching (2014-2015)
isi Berlin; certified as “Systemic Coach” by Systemische Gesellschaft

Career Coaching (2018)
artop Berlin

LINC Personality Profiler (2021)
Lüneburg Institute for Corporate Learning

360° Resilience Online Facilitator for Resilience-Circle-Training according to the Bamboo-Principle®,
RZT® Basic Level 1 + 2 (2022-2023)
Resilienzforum Akademie

Academic and Professional Background

Coach and Trainer (seit 2016)
freelance, in Berlin and Germany

Associate for talent management (2016-2019)
at the head office of the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Berlin; work focus: career orientation measures for postdocs

Associate for PhD Affairs (2014-2016)
at the Hertie School, Berlin

Dr. rer. pol. (2011)
Free University Berlin, with distinction
Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies
subsequent work as postdoctoral researcher

M.A. in Political Science, Philosophy and Public Law (1999-2005)
Greifswald, Tampere/Finland, Hamburg

My working languages are English and German.

Download Christiane Kasack’s profile

Certificate Business Coaching
Certificate Career Coaching
Certificate LINC Personality Profiler
Certificate 360° Facilitator, RZT® Basic Level

I have worked for

Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine | Hertie School PhD Programmes & Career Development | UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research | Büro der Frauenbeauftragten (Uni Bamberg) | DZNE German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases | Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KIT) | Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BIG), (Uni Bamberg) | Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers (member of coach pool) | European School of Management and Technology Berlin | DESY | Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society | German Center for Lung Research (DZL) | CRC 1027 (Saarland University) | European University Viadrina

I am glad to collaborate with EAF Berlin as an Associated Expert.

Clients’ voices

Motivational coaching that surveyed all areas of life. The coaching provided precisely tailored suggestions on how I can make better progress with my dissertation.

PhD Candidate (32), Science Coaching

Two years have passed since the workshop, and my success team still meets regularly. The open exchange with my group is a great source of motivation.

PhD Candidate (32), Workshop “Making it Happen”

Dr. Christiane Kasack accompanied my work with old beliefs professionally, clear, solution-oriented and with great empathy. I could feel her appreciation for the process at all times.

Mental Health Counsellor (50), Career Coaching

Participating in the workshop “time and self-management for your PhD” right at the beginning of my PhD definitely helped me develop the necessary skills for the upcoming years. I am still using many of the techniques mentioned in the course for the organization of my weekly tasks.

PhD Candidate (30), Workshop “Making it Happen”

The World Café with the mentors was the highlight of the seminar for me! Super well prepared, perfectly coordinated in terms of time and content – and above all first-class mentors! This evening has really been enriching for me.

Participant Networking Event Mentoring-Program

Our instute collaborates successfully with Ms. Kasack, especially in accompanying our mentoring programs. We appreciate her warm, sincere and competent ways, her open and cheerful communication with the participants, and her uncomplicated professionality regarding our internal accounting procedures.

Career Center, Max Delbrück Center

Wonderful moderation by Ms. Kasack, very interesting lecture with a few new aspects for me.

Participant lecture and panel discussion on academic career paths

Collaborating with Christiane is a pleasure! Our researchers value her expertise and profit from her excellent approach as a trainer and coach. Judging from an institutional perspective, we are also very satisfied with Christiane’s tailor-made courses and her professional handling of organisational matters (e.g. billing).

Adviser for career development, Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society
Work. Suited for me.

Personalized coaching on time- and self-management as well as career counselling – not just for academics.

Dr. Christiane Kasack

Call me at: 0176 23 23 90 43
© 2025 Christiane Kasack